10 ways to protect yourself from used-car sales tactics

10 ways to protect yourself from used-car sales tactics 1. Know the value of the vehicle. Know the true value of your candidate car,regardless of what the seller is asking. Condition,mileage,age,equipment levels Launch X431,and the…


Automotive diagnostic tools give you the help

Automotive diagnostic tools give you the help If your car was in broke down halfway, then you will know the value of automotive diagnostic tools. These are designed to help you get rid of a…


Should you fill your tires with Nitrogen

Should You Fill Your Car’s Tires With Nitrogen? Nitrogen is used to fill tires for racecars and airplanes, but isn’t really practical in ordinary A member of the Dodge Challenger owners’ forum was buying a…


Car care advice

Car care advice What Does Drivability Mean? Drivability is a term that is bandied about in the automotive service and repair business,but what does it really mean? The term drivability is really a two-word term…


Car Wash Damage

Car Wash Damage Many drivers prefer drive-through, automatic car washes to doing it themselves at home. Automatic car washes are quick, inexpensive and protect the driver from the elements. But some might not be safe…


Summer time driving focus on three issues

Summer time driving focus on three issues Auto ignition: Reducing modified periodically check Avoid the vehicle ignition probably the most fundamental technique is to periodically do maintenance towards the vehicle, look into the engine, as…


Save money and be assured repair six methods

Save money and be assured repair six methods ��Is easy to buy a car but difficult to maintenance a car.” It makes a lot of private car owners feel helpless, many owners reflect, in addition…
